Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I have a Toronto realtor.

A: Do they have the necessary people and the special services required to assist you with your home transition efficiently, without causing you any added stress? And are they accredited seniors specialists?


Q: I don’t want to spend any money on fixing up my house to sell.

A: You may not have to. We can help you to determine the best way to optimize your return.


Q: How do you do that?

A: By valuing your property with and without improvements and allowing you to make an informed decision that best suits your goals.


Q: I don’t have enough time.

A: That’s not a problem because we will devote our time and we have the people and services in place to help you in a responsive and efficient manner.


Q: How much will this cost me?

A: It will depend upon the services that you require. We will work with you to address your specific goals and objectives. Whatever you decide, there will be no surprises; you will receive an itemized estimate; ours is a transparent process. At the end of the day, we will work hard to optimize your return and ensure a comfortable, stress-free, and rewarding transition to your new home.


Q: My adult children are taking care of this.

A: That’s great. Perhaps we can all meet together. Feel free to share our website with them.


Q: How will you market and sell my property?

A: With 50 years of combined marketing know-how and 25 years of real estate sales experience, we offer significant skills and experience to successfully market and sell your home. We utilize MLS listings, Agent and Public Open Houses (with your agreement, of course) professional photography, online video tours, high quality printed marketing materials, our websites, Royal LePage’s website, staging consultation, emails to fellow realtors and more.


Q: How will I ever deal with 40 years of stuff that I have accumulated?

A: We recognize that dealing with a lifetime of memories and family artifacts can be emotionally and physically challenging. We will help you to organize your assets, deciding what to take with you to your new home, what to pass along to your friends and loved ones, what to donate to charities and what to throw out. We will guide, assist, and steward you through the entire process, utilizing our trained and professional team members.


Q: I know my home is in need of repair but I can’t afford to make the necessary improvements, prior to selling my home. Can you help?

A: We have a plan that will allow you to forestall the costs incurred in repairing and preparing your home for sale, until the sale of your house closes.


Q: Will you help me to identify and locate a new home?

A: Your new home will, of course, depend expressly upon your individual wants and needs. There are a variety of available housing options that suit seniors, including: condominiums, co-op apartments, life lease housing and retirement living communities. Whether you wish to stay in your immediate neighbourhood, move closer to your children or perhaps to a retirement community out of town, together, through our Royal LePage network of professional realtors, we can help you to locate a new home that meets your specific needs.


Q: What if my new home requires some remodeling?

A: We use the same team of professional service personnel that we employ to prepare your home for sale toward making your new home feel like home, from the moment you move in.


Q: How are you any different from 64,000 other Toronto realtors?

A: We can’t speak for other realtors. We recognize that seniors have specific needs when it comes to leaving their family homes of many years and transitioning to a new home. They need a higher level of service that requires, both, competence and compassion. We take the time to understand our client’s individual needs and reliably, on a one-to-one basis, guide them through the necessary steps to ensure a smooth, stress-free and rewarding transition to their new homes.